Monday, October 31, 2011

What We're Looking Forward To....Week of Oct. 31 - Nov. 5th

First of all, a Happy Halloween to those who observe it, to those that don' long have you been with Al-Qaeda?  Tomorrow being Tuesday...the day when games, music, dvds, etc. get released to our sweaty little hearts content, we thought it would be nice to do a weekly piece where we briefly highlight the things that will be available that WE are looking forward to.  This is the start of what will be an extremely busy holiday season for us, to which we say BRING IT ON, BITCHES!  So keeping this in mind, here is what has our attention this week:

Uncharted 3 has been on our collective radars since news of it dropped almost a year ago.  The first two reminded us of all the things we loved about the pre-Crystal Skull Indiana Jones movies and then took it up a notch.  All of the screens and videos we have seen from this game has made us drool, and run to preorder our copies.  I just hope Naughty Dog comes through.

  "Wait, what?  DC Universe Online is on here?  But....this game has been out for a while now!"  Is probably what you are saying.  But we have this on the list BECAUSE the folks over at DCUO will be unveiling their Free to Play feature.  Will this get more people interested in this MMO set in the world of DC Comics?  Hard to say, but we will be looking into it further when it is available.  But speaking of DC stuff....

The recently released (and reviewed!) game Batman: Arkham City has already had some decent DLC in the form of the Catwoman missions, a very entertaining addition to the Batman experience.  Tomorrow however we get yet another DLC pack, this one featuring Nightwing aka Dick Grayson.  Will this be a substantive addition to an already packed game or will it clutter up the place?  We'll find out and let you know!

Not much by way of films this week, aside from a 3D release of the Pixar classic Toy Story Trilogy and the Bill Murray Classic Scrooged released for the first time on BluRay.  If these titles do not interest you, then might I suggest snagging Captain America if you haven't already.

Well that is it for this week, stay tuned we'll be offering up reviews on Uncharted 3 as well as the Nightwing DLC.

- Grumpy Old Nerds