Saturday, October 8, 2011

An Intro to Remember. Or not to... I don't really care.

Alright, so we find ourselves at the Grand Opening of this blog-style rendition of modern proportions! I suppose it would be appropriate to introduce myself... I am struckCervid (anonymity perptuating), and the others you see strewn about before your eyes are my cohorts. As was stated in the opening passage, our aim is simple. To hold you down and terrify you... with the vast, everlasting knowhow of the following fields: 1) Games: both contemporary and retro 2) Music: past, present, and future 3) Movies: Of yore and also newer releases 4) Items of particular nostalgia, spanning our lives or what's left of them and 5) Pretty much anything with partial semisolid properties apt to be utilized in such a fashion as to remind, inspire, boggle the mind, bring tears, bring joy, supply angst, or just tug at the tender heartstrings of a new generation, or an aging one, and finally: To entertain and inform and otherwise fill in the gaps and/or further waste your time.

Regardless, I believe I speak on behalf of myself and my fellow contributors when I say that if nothing else, this blog will serve as a basis for sheer, unadulterated nerd-dom. After all, isn't that the point of nerd-dom? To assert and prolong what we nerds consider the sum of a satisfying existence?

So please! Without further ado, I bring you... Grumpy Old Nerds (a registered TradeMark of us, you, and last but not least, the rest of ya!). Now strap on your belt harness and prepare for launch!

With sincere regard,
your boy,
