Friday, October 7, 2011

Is This Thing On??

Welcome, ladies and gents to the new site  I know, it doesn't look like much now...but we are working on it, I promise.  This has been a project a long time in the making, and we hope to be around for a very VERY long time. to who we are and what we do here...

We have been friends for years; some of us go back decades.  We all share a love for gaming and all things Nerd, but our preferences are quite different.  Our aim is to simply offer up OUR input on various games that interest us, as well as any other bit of entertainment we feel the need to talk about.  We will also do reviews, without the idiotic sketches and attempts to be clever.  You want to know if the game is worth your time?  We'll tell you the good, the bad, the downright awful, and whether or not you should give it a chance or look to giving something else a try instead. 

Over the weekend we'll start trickling various posts, articles, and reviews through the pipeline and the other contributors to the site will be making their presence known.  So on behalf of all of us here at Grumpy Old Nerds, thanks for coming...and enjoy the ride!