Friday, October 14, 2011

Calm Before The Storm: The Old Republic

Coolstorm here, and I want to thank Numbspoon for giving me the privilege to talk about MMORPG's, otherwise known as massively multiplayer online role-playing games. I'm here to cover not just the popular one's coming out, but also the free MMO's out there. Yes I do download a few of those from time to time to try to relieve myself of the boredom from waiting for the delays of one major MMO to the next one. Speaking of major MMO's, today I'm going to be talking about the one the majority of the community has been waiting for, that being Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic.

I'm going to start off by offering my opinion on one question. Is this game going to kill WoW (World of Warcraft to the few of you that might be living under a rock...with an internet connection)? My answer is, I certainly hope not. Now before all you anti-WoW people curse me up and down hear me out, for am I on your side. Trust me. I hope SWTOR makes mad profits, however I want World of Warcraft to stay alive as well, so the trolls that are there now can stay there and STAY THE HELL OUT OF SWTOR. Their kind is not needed in Bioware's upcoming MMO. This is where the grumpy old nerd in me comes out and screams "Get off my (trade chat) lawn!" I do not want to see people using trade chat as a general chat. When the entire population did that for World of Warcraft, that was a sure sign that the majority of MMO players out there are nothing but lemmings playing the role of rats and an ape playing the part of the Pied Piper. No, I'm not talking about an ape like Caesar, I'm talking about the kind where if you set them down in front of a monitor, one of the first thing's they'll do is take a shit, then fling it at the monitor. Let's bring nothing but civilized, mature players into SWTOR please though I know something like that is futile as there's always the batch of black sheep or attention whore types with mommy and daddy's silver spoon shoved up there ass no matter the MMO.

Moving on, I have to say I am really looking forward to this game. I know a lot of people are antsy because they pre-ordered the game for early access and beta weekends; which most haven't received that yet, and with the game being scheduled to come out in December 20, 2011, that's leaving very little time left before release. It almost makes pre-ordering just for early access mean absolutely nothing. To me though, even if early access is just for a week or two, if I get past the starting zones with one of my characters before the full launch then I'll be satisfied. I understand that Bioware has been listening to the beta players to try to make things perfect and I applaud them for that as well.

The SWTOR website just posted up a new trailer today showing off all out wars and between the two factions, more stories, and twilek's in slave leia outfits (yes yes, the pathetic perv in me caught that part and screamed out hell yeah!). I am really excited for this game. Though, I also have some concerns about it as well. If this game is treated with the love and care that Bioware had for the Mass Effect series and not Dragon Age 2. This game should be about as grand as they can get. Keep an eye out as I will have more SWTOR to discuss as well as other MMO's in the posts to come.