Saturday, October 15, 2011

Questions to Ponder

Now that the weekend is upon us, and we have digested the goings on of the week.  Do not occupy your time with simply video games and Firefly reruns!  Consider the many questions that swirl around us.  So in the interest of introspection, I present the following questions to study, reflect upon, and if at all possible answer with the number 42

1.  Does the Michael Jackson: The Experience video game truly give you the full experience of the late pop icon?  Number one hits, crazy dance moves, failed marriages, child molestation charges, and the abuse of a father that didn't really love you?

2.  How many UK residents that look like hobos have to hunt down kids and strangle them before parents start keeping an eye on what the hell their little bundles of joy are doing?

3.  How do you forgive a friend that got a SWTOR beta invite and you did not?

4.  Is it 10/18 yet?

5.  If you had a Portal gun, would you use it to make it easier to scratch your ass?

6.  Why do we get the urge to play a terrible game when Felicia Day is involved?

Ignore that last one....we already know the answer to that, don't we?  At any rate...ponder these queries, or hell...ponder your own!  Have a wonderful weekend, and keep your eyes peeled over here for upcoming reviews on Gears of War 3, Spider-man: Edge of Time, Batman: Arkham City, and more!