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Monday, December 19, 2011
What We're Looking Forward To....Week of December 19 - 25th
Do we really need to say it? We have only been going on about it since the last Beta weekend. We've been spending as much time as we can there rather than working on this site, which...we are sorry. But come'd do the same thing if you were us. But you really are going to make us say it. Well, fine. What we're looking forward to this week? Is this:
That's right. FINALLY! This game has been eating away at us for months, YEARS even! And finally it is upon us. We have been loving this (mostly) and hope to continue to do so for some time after the "newness" wears off. This, could have easily been the best game of this year, and next year for that matter....time will tell won't it? So for those of you who have enjoyed the early release time? Congratulations and keep up the good work in there. The community, outside of a few issues has been great. As for those of you who haven't picked it up yet? Give it some thought. It isn't your idiot neighbor's MMO.
That's right. Postal 3. The game we are most looking forward to this week. Why, with the rich stories, in-depth character and class customization coupled with the....I'm sorry. I can't do this. I just can't. How many of you people actually believed this? I mean seriously. I want names, because need a smack upside the head. What we are REALLY looking forward to?
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