Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Bah Humbug: Mimic's 12 days of Christmas Pt.1

Normally by now most people don't have their shopping done. You should, but most of you don't. You'll wait till the last second, praying for that perfect item to come in stock, or that sale on the item you want to get for someone (but don't want to fork over the cash). And every year you tell yourself "I'll have it done early next year." But do you ever? Well some do, I admit. But most of you? Nah. You're like me and slack off till the last second.

Fear not! For I have come to help you pick out gifts that most likely haven't been thought of, asked for, and fit into a small budget. These gifts may not fit your intended hopeful every time, but I'm here to review and suggest items to help out you last minute shoppers hoping to get what they want. Now this is in addition to the wonderful reviewed items we've done here. I couldn't recommend a copy of Gears of War 3 enough for a gamer. But they may already have that, or you can't fork over $60 for a friend in this economy.

So starting today I'm going to throw out three movie ideas for your movie lover. Different genres, and to be fair it's not the sort of thing most people think about right out of the gate. So without further pimping I present to you Papa Mimic's First day of Christmas (shopping).

Everyone has that friend who's into the sort of movies that seems absolutely outrageous. Or maybe you're like me and you like twisted concepts because they're fresh (or somewhat fresh) and they appeal to you. However there are few classic movies with that sort of feel. Every so often someone makes a movie with a concept that cannot be repeated. And in moments like these there is only one true movie that stands out: The Crow.

Sure it's well known for being the movie that killed Bruce Lee's son. Hell, it's also filled with images that make you question if perhaps the director was a closet Emo, but there's no denying this movie was good. It may be strange, it may be violent as hell, but it really expanded the concept of what could happen if you tried to fuck up someone's happy ending. This movie has been one of my favorites since it came out, and now it's out on blueray. So HD undead men with swords and guns who heal instantly? Yes please.

You can pick up a copy of this movie for less than $20, and even at your local Wal-Mart if you don't feel like being a pro and going Amazon or to a more major retailer like Bestbuy. Honestly for a Blue Ray this is a decent price, and considering the movie has endured well through the years on it's own, the face lift only makes it more accessible to your big movie fan who might enjoy a movie made before the Star Wars prequels.

The next movie on the list isn't actually a movie. It's a series. Now most people probably just flinched. A season of a series can go for as much as $80 without breaking a sweat. Entire series have gone as high as several hundred dollars. However you can get a complete series for a sci-fi show many consider to be the most under rated classic in history for a mere $26 if you catch it at the right place at the right time. AKA: Amazon right now. The series I mean? Firefly.

Originally a blend of Science Fiction meets a western, this show bombed in ratings quit simply because Fox is run by idiots. They rushed the show long and killed it by the time they were 10 episodes in. However the DvDs have a 12 episode list, and is a great distraction for anyone who has become a fan of Nathan Fillion from his work on Castle. In fact the show has made so many small nods (and sometimes big ones) to Firefly that it's no hard transition for even that crowd to enjoy this show.

And if they like it they'll probably fork over even more cash themselves to get the movie. However this is a great series that really is worth the time, and I'm sure you'll know someone who'll love it this holiday season. So if you can't afford a season of Castle or you just know a nerd who needs some love: There you go.

My final pick is for comedy fans. I figure we've covered gritty, science fiction with some action and some comedy, but what about the laughs?! Well I got you covered. Most people may not have seen this pick, which is sad. It's popular in that George Clinton the Parliament Funkadelic sorta way, but not in the Beiber sorta way (thank God). If you know someone who's sense of humor is somewhat crude, or if they just love people like Ryan Reynolds, then might I suggest 'Waiting'.

A movie about a day in the life of a crew who works at a restaurant, puts up with their own small life issues, and try to have a good time despite it. So if you know someone who works at even McDonalds, goes to college, or maybe just likes the idea of a cast FILLED with stars (I dunno how they afforded it) then they'll enjoy this one. And you may want to spread this word. Because Reynolds does state the cardinal rule of eating out: Don't fuck with the people who make your food. You have been warned.

That's today's gift ideas, and tomorrow I'll hand you some more. I do take ideas on a type of gift, so if you're stuck and need some advice, I'm here for you. And remember I'll be doing these once a day until Christmas it's self. And on Christmas day... well no more gift ideas (cheap bastards) but I'll throw you a little fun. So this is Mimic wishing you a safe and happy holiday season, and saying good night.
