Monday, April 29, 2013

Well this doesn't seem right....

So, once upon a time there was a group of folks who got together, decided to jump head first into the public swimming pool that is...for lack of a better term..."gaming news" and noticed the water was awfully yellow...gross.

Sure, they gave it a go...the old college try if you will...but something never really clicked.  Was it poor planning?  Most likely.  But the days progressed and the posts became few and far between.  Until one day they just stopped.  Bummer.  Oh sure, they still talk to each other.  Hell, they all have a game night once a week.  But the site that was once is no more.  It's original home however... the one you are (probably...or probably not if the stats are to be believed) reading on blogspot remains, obviously and shall continue to endure just because. The gang is still grumpy....aren't getting any younger, and last time an official test was least 9/10ths are still nerds.

What does this mean exactly?  Why bother posting after all this time?  Not quite sure, really.  It felt as though the right thing to do.  And to be honest, I think this would be a good place to chronicle some experiences in the rather broad spectrum that is nerd rather than attempt to be another gaggle of douche rockets intent on changing opinions (see Legislative Branch, U.S. Government).  I suppose what this means is, perhaps there is something on the horizon.  Even some postings of sorts, just nothing so ambitious as what this den of snark used to be.  One step at a time as it were.

Oh, one more thing.  Go to hell, Mac Walters.
