Thursday, January 26, 2012

SWTOR: Notes From a Guy that Hates MMOs: Prologue

I don't think I really need to go into my loathing of the genre again. Anyone that has read anything on this site from me knows how I despise the MMO. The genre brings nothing of value to gaming and if anything it attracts an element that a good chunk of which probably should have been drowned at birth. Harsh? Probably...but I don't care much. Loud, obnoxious people piss me off and that seems to be what MMOs attract the most of.

Having said this, I have fallen in love with Star Wars: The Old Republic. Even had a sweet little love note put together for Bioware thanking them for the offering. Everyone here at Grumpy Old Nerds has in fact been doing almost nothing but logging on to the game and spending literally hours per day exploring the rich environments, the epic class unique stories, and even running flashpoints with friends. The interesting thing is, the rest of the gang are grizzled MMO veterans, having played 3 or more for an extended period of time a piece. I am going at this experience from the approach of an actual game, and am learning the MMO stuff as I go along. Here is the start of my journey.

When I started the game, I approached it from the standpoint of "which story would suit me the best" rather than "what class does the guild need". I honestly did not care what was needed, this was an experience that I wanted to enjoy. If I wanted to have to consider what would be best for an entire group, I'd go back to the office. Pass. So, I selfishly picked the Jedi Knight, mostly because of the story and who wrote it....another thing that I have mentioned on the site (Hi Drew....I love you man). I went along and played my character, and saw the other players as invaders in my experience rather than being a part of something bigger.

When the buzzwords that go hand in hand with MMOs started floating around, I honestly had no idea what they meant and to be frank....when they started seeping in, I got extremely annoyed. At first it was because they were muddying up my GAME with that World of Warcraft bullshit nonsense, but the more I thought about was more because I had no idea what they were babbling about, and I kinda needed to. This was to be sure a rather lofty conflict for me because I loathe the culture that the MMO has created, and yet here I was finding myself needing to learn more about it and....God help me....embrace some if it in order for me to really get the most out of this game that I was only interested in for the story. Logically, I decided to hell with everyone and I stuck to my single player experience, kept my head down and plowed through the game. The quicker I was done, the quicker I could cancel my subscription and be done with all of it, before I started resenting games, friends, Star Wars, and anything else I might have overlooked.

This all worked great until I ran into a proverbial brick wall so immovable that it knocked me backwards a few hundred yards and gave me a little bit of a concussion. But I'm better now all head my think good is all....uh oh.


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