Monday, November 14, 2011

What We're Looking Forward To: Week of Nov. 14th - 19th

So, nothing worthwhile in the world of movies this week.  As for video games....I dunno....maybe EyePet and Friends?  Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games?  OOH!  How about...ABBA: You Can Dance?  Not even close.  Actually, there are several titles that have our of which is the extension of one of the most successful franchises in gaming today.  So without further adieu....let me introduce the first of what we're looking forward to this week.

In all honesty?  I think some of us here at Grumpy Old Nerds have been looking forward to this game since it was announced.  There is something about this series and the story that gets me hooked and loves running around knifing corrupt politicians, thieves, you name it.  This will be the last installment that will feature the Italian killing machine Ezio, and frankly that is fine by me.  He helped move the story along, and now it is high time we change the focus to the modern day descendant: Desmond.  Will it be good?  Great question.  Our own nutritious Raven-Bran will be providing the answer to that one!

Yeah, Saints Row: The Third doesn't exactly do it for ALL of us here at the site, but I'd be lying if I said that it doesn't interest us.  I mean, it looks like Grand Theft Auto and Fear and Loathing in Vegas had a baby.  Which....that could be idiotically entertaining.  If not, what do ya do?  Just another train wreck in the long line of train wrecks that THQ has given the world.  But it could be worse.  It could be....

SON OF A BITCH!  Seriously?  I thought there wasn't going to BE anymore of this game?  No way in hell are we looking forward to this.  Oh it gets worse, too!  We're actually going to have a review for this?  I feel sorry for the poor shmuck that has to write it.  Numbspoon?  Oh, that's me....damn it.  I take it back.  We are looking forward to ABBA: You Can Dance.